Catching Up: Photography, Life etc.

It’s been three-ish weeks since my last post. Life got a little busy for a minute there.
I’ve also been enjoying the busy-ness and the summer.
So Danny is gone training, which I’ve touched on before, but he will be visiting over the 4th of July weekend. So that’s awesome.

I’ve launched my small business ->

I’ve had a few session so far. They’ve been free but I wanted to build up my portfolio. And so far it has been good.
Of course I’m really enjoying it. It’s so fun trying new things and learning along the way.

I’ve been hanging with Annabel and I have seen some of my friends who I haven’t seen in months.

It’s been a good past couple weeks but I really do miss Danny and I know Annabel does too.


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Counting Down

I wonder how many more times I’ll be using the Doing Time app to count down until I get to see Danny again.

He hasn’t even been gone for a week yet and it’s super lame.

It’s definitely better than deployment though.

And hopefully he’ll get to come home once on leave.

I’m working on staying positive and busy.


Summer Manifesto

read lots and lots of books

get my small photography business going

do lots of crafts

do some around the house DIY projects

take Annabel on adventures

spend lots of time outdoors

see my family and friends as much as possible

work on the wedding planning

Sum Up: May

read Still as Death, The Kept

celebrated two years with Danny

grilled out a lot (Tilapia is my favorite with asparagus)

took Annabel on walks

started an art journal

celebrated Mother’s Day

started scheduling photo shoots and trying out my photography professionally

Danny ran the Tough Mudder … he’s nuts

played volleyball for hours with Danny and his family

had a going away party for Danny

helped my mom throw my cousin a bridal shower






In the Blood by Lisa Unger

… we draw people into our lives. It’s as though we broadcast our deepest needs,
and certain people hear the signal somewhere in their own subconscious and heed the call.
For better or worse, we attract our teachers, our allies, and sometimes even our nightmares.
Some of us have louder signals.
Some of us have more sensitive receptors.

Such a good book!
There were some elements and mysteries that I was able to figure out right away
but there were others that just kept me guessing.

This novel follows the character Lana who has a secret.
There is a troubled, young boy.
There is murder and lies and a great story.

I would give this book 4 out of 5 stars.

I will for sure be picking up more of her novels.


catching up

Annabel enjoyed her Saturday morning news.


And of course her and Danny had play time.


I painted this shelf and our flowers are doing awesome.
Their scent is so strong!


Danny’s nephews are too cute.


We had a family party.
We played volleyball for hours.
It was pretty serious.


This is our attempt at a family photo.


And another shot of the pup.
She’s the best.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

goals: photography business

So, lately I’ve been taking steps to start up my own photography business. I’ve got appointments to amp up my portfolio and business ideas along with all the little aspects that go into it (stationary, pricing, website etc). I am surrounded by notes of ideas and things that must be done. Danny is so supportive and positive about it. I’m nervous as hell. He says the worst I can do is fail, or not make any money but at least it is something fun that I enjoy. And at least I won’t be sitting around thinking what if? or I should have tried.

I’ll be sure to update about it.

Cheers to a new venture! 



Outlander – The Television Series

 So I totally loved this series (well, what I read of it). The first book Outlander was awesome.

These books have been written for over twenty years.

They are fairly long so if you’re not into that I recommend at least reading the first one.


After years of rumors about movies and what not, they have decided
to turn it into a tv show! Of course I don’t have Stars but I’ll find a way to watch it.
The first season covers the first book. I hope that it will be awesome.
And I plan on reading the first book before then!


Around Here: just a little update

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Of course Annabel is too cute.


Danny and I ran some errands over the weekend and we got some flowers and cacti for the house.
I’m trying to brighten up the house for spring.

I also started rearranging some decorations and switching around picture frames.

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Annabel absolutely loves her Frisbee.
The whole  fetch thing is still a little difficult for her though.
She likes to pretend she’s going to give it to you then run away.


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These are photos from Mother’s Day.
I’m glad we got to see everyone and that it was so nice out!

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