

discovering the use of spices in cooking

continuing to read non-stop

counting down the days until vacation

checking the ten day weather forecast non-stop for any hint of summer

pinning wedding ideas like crazy

constantly cleaning mud off my floors thanks to spring and Annabel

fighting the urge to pull out all my summer clothes

planning for Danny’s wedding gift

laughing at how weird it is to try to hide birthday gifts when you live together

watching them play together every evening





rereading Tana French’s books

keeping warm

impatiently waiting for spring and warmer weather

crocheting a baby blanket – it is not needed

eating too much pizza

having wedding planning nightmares

wishing I could take naps in the middle of the day

preparing for more extremely cold weather

looking for a new job


reading non stop

loving our bathroom renovation and bedroom paint job

hoping there is only two-ish more months of winter weather

helping Danny with his homework (I miss school, sometimes)

looking forward to summer more and more everyday

strongly considering Hawaii for our honeymoon

longing to wear shoes that are not boots or converse

keeping up with both my reading goal and my Project Life goal



reading The Secret Garden

celebrating the holidays with family and friends

dressing warm and cozy and getting used to the cold

crocheting a forest color themed blanket

using a wax melter to make the house smell like pine trees and Christmas

wearing white nail polish for the holidays

lighting the Christmas tree every evening

thinking about my grandmother and many memories



Reading One Thousand White Women by Jim Fergus

Enjoying Danny’s new schedule (we’re both on days now!)

Experimenting with new crafts

Preparing to begin Christmas shopping – both gifts and decor

On a straight hair kick

Wishing the leaves would have stayed a bit longer

Enjoying Target’s clearance section – Nate Berkus

Wearing scarfs non-stop

Working twelve days straight

Really fighting my nail biting habit

Working on drinking more water

Loving getting to park in a garage away from the snow